Monday, 24 November 2008

Humanities - geografia del continente Asiatico.


es el mas grande de los continentes, con una superficie de 45´272.300 km2 o tercera parte de las tierras emergidas. Por su tamaño, Asia es el continente de las grandes contrastes.

ubicacion geografica:

el continente asiatico limita al norte con el oceano indico; al oriente con el oceano pacifico, que lo separa de america; al occidente con el mar negro, la cordillera del caucaso y los montes urates que lo separan de europa y al sur occidente con el mar rojo, que lo separa de africa.

posicion astronomica:

asia se encuentra en el hemisferio norte y en el hemisferio oriental. sus puntos extremos son: al norte el cabo chelyuskin, a 77° 40´ latitud norte; al sur el cabo burn, a 1°16´ de latitud norte; al oriente la peninsula de chukotsk, a 169°40´ de longitud occidental y al occidente el cabo baba, a 26°5´de longitud occiedental.

Science - the rock cycle.

There are three different types of rock.

igneous rocks are made from cooled magma which mas molten and solified. where the rock reaches the surface we sometimes get a volcano. the rocks contain crystals wich are made from various minerals. the crystals are arranged randomly.
sedimentary rocks are formed from layers of sediment laid down in lakes or seas over millions of years. the particles are then cemented togeather by crystals of salt. sometimes the remains of long dead plants and animals are found in the rock. these are called fossils. scientists study the fossil type to work out the age of the rock. in general, the deeper the rock, the older it is.
metamorphic rocks are formed by changes to other types of rock. they can be caused by pressure or heat effects, or both togeather. the changes take a long time. metamorphic rocks can contain tiny crystals and may also have minerals.

English - Comics

we are studying comics in the english subject, the comics should be about a super heroe and a villian. it has to be interesting because we had to do the first edition of our comic and the people should found it nice to buy the second one. you can include onomatopoeia to make it more fun. it most have speach bubbles.