Friday 16 January 2009

my winter vacations!

in my winter vacations i stayed in cali. i went to the bullfights every day, i went shopping with my parents and my friends, i spent christmas and the 31st with my family and some friends. my cousin and some other people that live in usa came to colombia and stayed with my family and i, we enjoyed a lot because my cousin was coming here after 8 years, they also came with me to the bullfights and they were surprised because it was their first time watching that. i also hanged out with my friends and we went to the cinema, to eat ice cream and we did many other things. i get a dog as a christmas present from my parents, its a chihuahua and its very pretty. even though i didnt traveled i had a greate time in cali and i had a very fun vacations!

my experience creating this blog

i think it was fun to create this blog, at the beggining it was a little bit difficult because we didnt knew anything about blogs and it was a little bit hard to find the correct page to create it, but after that everything was really easy because blogger is a greate page to create blogs and is very easy to learn to manage it.

Monday 1 December 2008


These are some comments about my blog.
Angie: your blog is very pretty and interesting, its very organized and understandable.
Marie: Your blog is very creative, and original its interesting.
Isa c: I think that your blog is going to be one of the most interesting I really liked your information and is very creative.
Juan Guillermo: your blog is soy creative is original and had great pictures and videos I like is a good work.

I think the impact of the blog on individuals and on society is very big and important because with this the technology is advancing and we are constructing a new way of communication that is very useful and easy to be in contact with people all around the world and this is good for future communication ways and for socializing with important people, you can also use it to make campains against something like global warming and in the blogs many people can watch that campain and contribute with it.

I think that my blog doesn’t need any improvement in this moment, I think that only an expert could tell me his opinions and maybe I could try to fix those things, but I don’t find any bad things in my blog.

I think that I did very well in all the stages of the design cycle. But I found the plan stage the hardest one because you had to think of how to do your blog considering a lot of things that were required. I also found a little bit difficult the investigation stage because I had to research a lot to find the 3 blog sites and then with the testing blog I had a few problems so I had to change it. The creation stage was really easy because I knew exactly what I had to do because I had it all written in the plan stage.

I think the performance of the investigation stage could be improved if we didn’t had to research for the 3 web pages because that takes us time and most of the times we chose a web page that has virus.

Daddy Yankee and Arcangel

Daddy Yankee and Arcangel are my favourite artists because they make a very entreteining music and most of their songs are amazing! i think the songs they sing togeather are the best ones.

Monday 24 November 2008

Humanities - geografia del continente Asiatico.


es el mas grande de los continentes, con una superficie de 45´272.300 km2 o tercera parte de las tierras emergidas. Por su tamaño, Asia es el continente de las grandes contrastes.

ubicacion geografica:

el continente asiatico limita al norte con el oceano indico; al oriente con el oceano pacifico, que lo separa de america; al occidente con el mar negro, la cordillera del caucaso y los montes urates que lo separan de europa y al sur occidente con el mar rojo, que lo separa de africa.

posicion astronomica:

asia se encuentra en el hemisferio norte y en el hemisferio oriental. sus puntos extremos son: al norte el cabo chelyuskin, a 77° 40´ latitud norte; al sur el cabo burn, a 1°16´ de latitud norte; al oriente la peninsula de chukotsk, a 169°40´ de longitud occidental y al occidente el cabo baba, a 26°5´de longitud occiedental.